Some listings are offered as part of cooperating agreements with brokers representing the sellers. KarlHaus Realty has access to and can show all Foreclosure Properties for Sale regardless of which firm has the "listing" or represents the seller .
Through special Agreements, KarlHaus Realty also has access to properties not on the MLS® such as FSBO's (For Sale by Owner), REO (Bank-owned), Pre-Foreclosures, Short Sales and other special circumstances.
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KarlHaus Realty can provide real estate services not only in the surrounding areas of Port Orange, Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach and Ormond Beach but anywhere in Florida. We have established a network of local expert agents that can serve your real estate needs in Palm Beach, Key Biscayne, Miami, Tampa, Naples, Sarasota and many other of the most exclusive destinations in Florida. Visit KarlHaus Realty at www.FlyinRealty.com